What is TCPView used for?

How do I open a TCPView file in Windows?

Download TCPView from Microsoft’s Sysinternals website here in a zip file. Extract the zip file and run the Tcpview.exe program to begin – a list of TCP/UDP connections is displayed along with the Process Name, Bytes Received/Sent and Remote Address etc.

What do the colors mean in TCPView?

Green means “just opened,” yellow “ready to open,” red “ready to close,” and blue represents a user-selected entry. TCPView will also show you instantly what well-known port addresses (numbered 0 – 1023) are in use on your machine.

Is TCPView safe?

TCPVIEW.exe is a legitimate file and the process is known as TCP/UDP endpoint viewer.

Who developed TCPView?

TCPView was originally released by Sysinternals in 2007 and currently available in version 3.05. Downloads of TCPView also include a command-line version called Tcpvcon. Similar information can be found in Windows’ native Netstat program, but with a less user-friendly interface.

How does netstat command work?

The netstat command generates displays that show network status and protocol statistics. You can display the status of TCP and UDP endpoints in table format, routing table information, and interface information. The most frequently used options for determining network status are: s , r , and i .

What is Time_wait and Close_wait?

CLOSE_WAIT indicates that the remote endpoint (other side of the connection) has closed the connection. TIME_WAIT indicates that local endpoint (this side) has closed the connection. The connection is being kept around so that any delayed packets can be matched to the connection and handled appropriately.

What is the main purpose of the Transmission Control Protocol TCP?

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – a connection-oriented communications protocol that facilitates the exchange of messages between computing devices in a network.

How do I stop an established connection?

18 Answers

  1. open cmd. type in netstat -a -n -o. find TCP [the IP address]:[port number] …. …
  2. CTRL+ALT+DELETE and choose “start task manager” Click on “Processes” tab. …
  3. Now you can rerun the server on [the IP address]:[port number] without a problem.

Dec 31, 2011

How do I know if a port is listening?

In order to check which application is listening on a port, you can use the following command from the command line:

  1. For Microsoft Windows: netstat -ano | find “1234” | find “LISTEN” tasklist /fi “PID eq “1234”
  2. For Linux: netstat -anpe | grep “1234” | grep “LISTEN”

Dec 22, 2020

What are the advantages of using netstat?

Advantages of netstat command in Linux

  • It helps to print all the active network connections.
  • Information regarding routing tables.
  • Lists TCP and UDP Ports for the networks running on the system.
  • It also lists out statistics of all packets like TCP, ICMP, UDP, and IP.
  • Also helps in displaying kernel route information.

What is time wait in Tcpview?

TCP TIME_WAIT is a normal TCP protocol operation, it means after delivering the last FIN-ACK, client side will wait for double maximum segment life (MSL) Time to pass to be sure the remote TCP received the acknowledgement of its connection termination request. By default, MSL is 2 minutes.

How long does Time_wait last?

The tcp_time_wait_interval is how long a connection stays in the TIME_WAIT state after it has been closed (default value 240000 ms or 4 minutes). With the default setting, this socket will remain for 4 minutes after you have closed the FTP connection.

What information is used by TCP?

Answers Explanation & Hints: At the transport layer, TCP uses the sequence numbers in the header of each TCP segment to reassemble the segments into the correct order.

How does TCP IP transfer data?

The user’s command or message passes through the TCP/IP protocol stack on the local system. Then, the command or message passes across the network media to the protocols on the remote system. The protocols at each layer on the sending host add information to the original data.

How can I free my port?


  1. Open a CMD window in Administrator mode by navigating to Start > Run > type cmd > right-click Command Prompt, then select Run as administrator.
  2. Use the netstat command lists all the active ports. …
  3. To kill this process (the /f is force): taskkill /pid 18264 /f.

How can you break a connection netstat?

18 Answers

  1. open cmd. type in netstat -a -n -o. find TCP [the IP address]:[port number] …. …
  2. CTRL+ALT+DELETE and choose “start task manager” Click on “Processes” tab. …
  3. Now you can rerun the server on [the IP address]:[port number] without a problem.

Dec 31, 2011

What port is my backdoor listening on?

In order to check which application is listening on a port, you can use the following command from the command line:

  1. For Microsoft Windows: netstat -ano | find “1234” | find “LISTEN” tasklist /fi “PID eq “1234”
  2. For Linux: netstat -anpe | grep “1234” | grep “LISTEN”

Dec 22, 2020

How do I ping an IP and port?

The easiest way to ping a specific port is to use the telnet command followed by the IP address and the port that you want to ping. You can also specify a domain name instead of an IP address followed by the specific port to be pinged. The “telnet” command is valid for Windows and Unix operating systems.

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