What is the latest version of Advanced uninstaller PRO?

What is the latest version of IObit Uninstaller Pro?

New IObit Uninstaller V 11.2. 0 is available now! Released on December 16th 2021.

Is Advanced uninstaller legit?

Final verdict The paid Daily Health Check is fine, but it doesn’t add enough to warrant paying for it. That said, you can completely uninstall any program, leaving behind no traces, and we definitely suggest keeping Advanced Uninstaller PRO in mind for when you need to remove many programs at once.

Which uninstaller software is the best?

Best 22 Uninstaller software – Feb, 2022

  • IObit Uninstaller. Available on 35 languages. Remove unwanted updates. File Shredder Visit Website.
  • Revo Uninstaller. Processes manager. Clean MS Office junk files. Delete software using traces Visit Website.
  • Wise Program Uninstaller. 2 Uninstall modes. Registry editing.

Which is the best uninstaller for Windows 10?

Best free software uninstallers in 2022

  1. IObit Uninstaller Free. Best free uninstaller for Windows. …
  2. Wise Program Uninstaller. Light and fast software uninstaller. …
  3. Revo Uninstaller Free. An effective software uninstaller with optimization tools. …
  4. Advanced Uninstaller Pro. …
  5. Geek Uninstaller.

Feb 3, 2022

Is IObit Uninstaller Pro worth it?

IObit Uninstaller is the perfect option if you’re looking for an easy way to uninstall your applications. It performs well as an all-in-one app manager, particularly its ability to check for updates on non-Microsoft Store applications. With that in mind, it’s relatively powerful for a free uninstall tool.

Is IObit Uninstaller malware?

No, IObit Uninstaller is a legitimate program that can help you thoroughly remove other applications from your PC. However, the fact that it offers to install third party software can be as malware behavior.

Is Advanced Uninstaller Pro malware?

We are the developers of the Advanced Uninstaller PRO program. I have been notified by our users that Malwarebytes detects our software products (described bellow) as malware. As a software developer I can strongly and sincerely vouch that the files below don’t contain any malware.

Is Advanced Uninstall Manager free?

Another free program remover is Advanced Uninstaller PRO. This program is basically like the others in this list. Common features like scanning for leftover registry items, context menu integration, and a search utility are included.

Which is better Revo Uninstaller or IObit Uninstaller?

Verdict. Revo Uninstaller and IObit Uninstaller are both easy to install and set up. However, IObit Uninstaller wins as you can easily switch to the pro version in one software.

Is Windows 10 uninstaller good?

It is a fast app and also free of bloat. It includes some handy additional tools, as well and this is exactly what makes it so great. Such a tool is the Uninstall sub-module which does just what the name suggests: finding and deleting duplicate files, managing startup programs, securely delete files, and so on.

Is Revo Uninstaller better than ccleaner?

Ccleaner gets rid of things you do not use left overs. Revo is an uninstaller to remove programs you you no longer need or want. I use both as needed, I use Ccleaner a lot, it is best to use it just the way it comes checking extra items can in some cases be problematic.

Does IObit Uninstaller actually work?

An Excellent Uninstaller IObit Uninstaller 6 is easily the best Windows uninstaller utility I’ve tested. Despite some minor problems, its 64-bit-app compatibility, browser toolbar and plug-in removal, and well-designed interface make it a winner. It doesn’t hurt that it’s free, either.

Which is better IObit or Revo?

Revo Uninstaller leads IObit Uninstaller as the better software. In essence, IObit Uninstaller has more cons. Notably, it only supports Windows, unlike Revo Uninstaller that supports Windows and Android.

Can I trust IObit Uninstaller?

No, IObit Uninstaller is a legitimate program that can help you thoroughly remove other applications from your PC. However, the fact that it offers to install third party software can be as malware behavior.

Is Advanced uninstaller Pro malware?

We are the developers of the Advanced Uninstaller PRO program. I have been notified by our users that Malwarebytes detects our software products (described bellow) as malware. As a software developer I can strongly and sincerely vouch that the files below don’t contain any malware.

What is the best uninstaller for android?

Best App Uninstallers for Android

  1. Root Uninstaller. Root Uninstaller is an uninstaller for Android which helps you remove system apps easily. …
  2. Uninstall Manager – App Master. …
  3. Uninstaller. …
  4. Uninstaller – Uninstall App. …
  5. Uninstaller – Quick App Manager. …
  6. Easy Uninstaller App Uninstall. …
  7. Uninstall Perfect Uninstaller.

10 Mar 2021

Is IObit Uninstaller Pro free?

Media Review “If you need a program that lets you cleanly and completely uninstall applications, fire up IObit Uninstaller. This free utility makes it a breeze to delete apps, including stray files that are often left behind when you use Windows to delete software from your hard drive or SSD.

Are uninstallers needed?

In reality, third-party uninstaller tools are rarely necessary. Most people shouldn’t use them, because each program’s uninstaller generally does a good enough job, even if it isn’t perfect.

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