What is KMS ViaService?

What is KMS policy?

Key policies are the primary way to control access to AWS KMS keys. Every KMS key must have exactly one key policy. The statements in the key policy document determine who has permission to use the KMS key and how they can use it.

How do I find my KMS key ID?

To view the keys in your account that AWS creates and manages for you, in the navigation pane, choose AWS managed keys. To find the key ID for a KMS key, see the row that begins with the KMS key alias. The Key ID column appears in the tables by default.

What is AWS KMS alias?

An alias is a friendly name for a AWS KMS key. For example, an alias lets you refer to a KMS key as test-key instead of 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab . … This feature is part of AWS KMS support for attribute-based access control (ABAC). For details, see Using aliases to control access to KMS keys.

What is KMS key used for?

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is an Amazon Web Services product that allows administrators to create, delete and control keys that encrypt data stored in AWS databases and products.

How do I check my KMS policy?

To view the key policy of an AWS KMS customer managed key or AWS managed key in your account, use the AWS Management Console or the GetKeyPolicy operation in the AWS KMS API. To view the key policy, you must have kms:GetKeyPolicy permissions for the KMS key.

How do I access KMS?

To allow access to a KMS key, you must use the key policy, either alone or in combination with IAM policies or grants. IAM policies by themselves are not sufficient to allow access to a KMS key, though you can use them in combination with a key policy. KMS keys belong to the AWS account in which they were created.

How get KMS key from alias?

By default, the response includes the alias name and alias ARN for every alias in the account and Region. To get only the aliases for a particular KMS key, use the KeyId parameter. For example, the following command gets only the aliases for an example KMS key with key ID 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab .

Where is my alias AWS account?

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/ . In the navigation pane, choose Dashboard. In the AWS Account section, find Account Alias, and choose Create. If an alias already exists, then choose Edit.

Can I use KMS alias in IAM?

You can use the kms:RequestAlias condition key in a key policy or IAM policy. It applies to operations that use an alias to identify a KMS key in a request, namely cryptographic operations, DescribeKey, and GetPublicKey.

How do I remove a KMS alias?

To get the aliases of all KMS keys, use the ListAliases operation. Each KMS key can have multiple aliases. To change the alias of a KMS key, use DeleteAlias to delete the current alias and CreateAlias to create a new alias.

Are KMS keys sensitive?

Due to the nature of this service, the contents contain highly sensitive data, the key is to decrypt your private data. As a result, administrators at AWS do not have access to your keys within KMS and they cannot recover your keys for you should you delete them.

How do KMS work?

Q: How does AWS KMS work? … AWS services and client-side toolkits that integrate with AWS KMS use a method known as envelope encryption to protect your data. Under this method, AWS KMS generates data keys which are used to encrypt data locally in the AWS service or your application.

What is the default KMS key?

A KMS default master key is used by an AWS service such as RDS, EBS, Lambda, Elastic Transcoder, Redshift, SES, SQS, CloudWatch, EFS, S3 or Workspaces when no other key is defined to encrypt a resource for that service. The default key cannot be modified to ensure its availability, durability and security.

What is the default KMS key policy?

The default key policy allows key users to delegate their grant permission to all integrated services that use grants. However, you can create a custom key policy that restricts the permission to specified AWS services. For more information, see the kms:ViaService condition key.

Can Amazon access keys in KMS?

AWS KMS is designed so that no one, including AWS employees, can retrieve your plaintext KMS keys from the service. AWS KMS uses hardware security modules (HSMs) that have been validated under FIPS 140-2, or are in the process of being validated, to protect the confidentiality and integrity of your keys.

How do I use KMS on AWS?

You can use the advanced features of AWS KMS.

  1. Import cryptographic material into a KMS key.
  2. Create KMS keys in your own custom key store backed by a AWS CloudHSM cluster.
  3. Connect directly to AWS KMS through a private endpoint in your VPC.

What is account alias?

An account alias is an easily recognized name or label representing a general ledger account number. … During a transaction, you can use the account alias instead of an account number to refer to the account.

What is account ID or alias in AWS?

AWS account ID Many AWS resources include the account ID in their Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). The account ID portion distinguishes resources in one account from the resources in another account. If you are an IAM user, you can sign in to the AWS Management Console using either the account ID or account alias.

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